Funkcionalistická vila v samotném centru města
Their dream was to have a luxurious villa in the very center of Pardubice city, inspired by the Czech Villa Tugendhat. It wouldn't be us if we didn't focus on exclusive materials and also - because of the location of the property - on privacy.
The Elegant and generously glassed upper floor work well together with the subtle ground floor which is all dressed to travertine - a stone we used to work not only outside the house, but inside too. The house looks light and neat which we believe will impress next generations too. The dominant of the interiors is a living room gallery expanding to the upper floor and it is causually connected with the kitchen and dinning room. The front wing gives room to the office and representative room of our cleints business and an underground parking with a heated drive.
The Elegant and quite simple garden with a swimming pool and high end outdoor furniture is a comfortable well being zone for the whole family.
Read more about the interiors here...
LOKALITA / Pardubice
Interiéry funkcionalistické vily
Zakázkově vyráběný interiér dle našeho návrhu jsme dodali kompletně na klíč. Prohlédněte si výsledek práce s těmi nejluxusnějšími materiály...
Luxusní penthouse na Bertramce
Pro luxusní rezidenční projekt jsme navrhli design penthousu, pro který jsme se inspirovali v pánském Armani stylu.
LOKALITA / Kladruby n. Labem
Modernistická vila
Vila inspirovaná slavnou barcelonskou stavbou Barcelona Pavilion od Mies van der Roheho vsazená do rodiště českých noblesních běloušů.
Funkcionalistický vila s výhledem na město
Do pražské Troji jsme navrhli moderní vilu v duchu architektury 30. let minulého století s výhkeden na Hrad.